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Mar 2, 10:27 AM
Feb 2021
People barely use anything below 7 so why make it even skewed?
Mar 2, 12:24 PM
Sep 2023
Alexioos95 said:
Jatin587 said:
I think it would lead to more accurate ratings.

MAL already stated multiple times they wouldn't do that, and if you implement 0.5 decimals, people will then ask for 0.05 decimals, ect, anyway. The majority of the users already do not use the scale correctly, ignoring the 1-5 part... (Even you yourself, have barely 5% of your list on the lower half, so you should maybe reconsider what these ratings mean.)

If you have enough entry, you will always feel like there is different sections of quality under a single score, with some higher and some lower. That's normal. If you absolutely do want it, you can use your Tags or Notes to do that, tho.

Yurippe_05 said:
Definitely yes.

Same as above, you have 10% of your list in the lower scale.

Imo the scale just doesn't really make sense in the lower region.
5 is average and 4 is bad which means I'll very rarely rate an anime below 5 because I rarely consider an anime "bad".

To add to that, I mostly watch anime from genre I know I like, so I naturally rarely rank them below 6.

So while yes, most people rarely use the lower half of the scale, I think that's only natural not not because they are using the scale "wrong".
Mar 2, 12:59 PM
Aug 2024
Braincoke said:
Alexioos95 said:

MAL already stated multiple times they wouldn't do that, and if you implement 0.5 decimals, people will then ask for 0.05 decimals, ect, anyway. The majority of the users already do not use the scale correctly, ignoring the 1-5 part... (Even you yourself, have barely 5% of your list on the lower half, so you should maybe reconsider what these ratings mean.)

If you have enough entry, you will always feel like there is different sections of quality under a single score, with some higher and some lower. That's normal. If you absolutely do want it, you can use your Tags or Notes to do that, tho.

Same as above, you have 10% of your list in the lower scale.

Imo the scale just doesn't really make sense in the lower region.
5 is average and 4 is bad which means I'll very rarely rate an anime below 5 because I rarely consider an anime "bad".

To add to that, I mostly watch anime from genre I know I like, so I naturally rarely rank them below 6.

So while yes, most people rarely use the lower half of the scale, I think that's only natural not not because they are using the scale "wrong".

Yeah, I completely agree with your sentiment. The only wrong way to rate something is picking a random one or using someone else's opinion to rate.

Thinking that a rating system can be universally objective is wrong too and naive. Sure, one can do our very best to analyze every single objective detail of an anime to give a banger of a rate, but there's still someone (or even yourself) who will find that rating misleading because they either loved it or hated it more than what the "objective" rating says.

There are several factors that will bias a rating system too. Not everyone has enough time to clear their backlog. Users will naturally pick the ones they're more likely to enjoy. Other factors are familiarity, complacency, following the hype train (or the hate train), taboo topics, author track record, and so on.

For all these reasons what I watch here at MAL for a potential anime to watch isn't the average rating (it's too prone to bias), but the distribution of ratings (especially the stdev), and the review recommendation ratios. All while considering how controversial or how hyped the anime is (to be more lenient or more strict). The distribution especially reveals if there is a lack of lower ratings, so people not using the lower half becomes a non-issue.
SlimRunnerMar 2, 1:28 PM
Mar 2, 1:04 PM

Jan 2017
Braincoke said:
Imo the scale just doesn't really make sense in the lower region.
5 is average and 4 is bad which means I'll very rarely rate an anime below 5 because I rarely consider an anime "bad".

7 is good, so 4 being bad is logical. The problem is more between 6 (fine) and 5 (average), i'd say.

Braincoke said:
I think that's only natural not not because they are using the scale "wrong".

Sure, but if said people feel the need for a larger scale, i believe they do use it wrongly, somehow. And weirdly enough, people complaining about the scale always are those with very high average score, and little to no use of the lower half... so there is definitely a correlation at some point.

Polls already were made multiple times in the forums, and MAL users prefer using 7 instead of 5 as an average number for the scores... so, well.
Alexioos95Mar 2, 1:08 PM
"Genius lives only one storey above madness."
– Arthur Schopenhauer.

"Stupidity is a talent for misconception."
– Edgar Allan Poe.

"I'm tired... and hungry."
– Alexioos95.
Mar 2, 1:09 PM

Oct 2022
Put it in the Suggestions forum. Sounds like a ok idea to me
Mar 2, 1:57 PM
Mar 2022
Nahh bro we got enough people thinking 6 is a bad rating, don’t need a 20 point system to convolute it further
Mar 2, 2:15 PM

Apr 2024
When I started out watching anime I used a site with a percent system, so you could rate a show anything between 1% and 100%. It eventually got converted into a 5 star system with half stars, which is pretty much the same as what MAL got.

Ironically I was fairly happy with the 100% system when I had under 500 anime in my list, but past a thousand or so I prefer having less options. The more anime you have in your list the tougher it becomes to find a spot they fit in relative to everything else.

I recommend to make use of the available numbers and not limit yourself to half the options. Then you won't need half steps either. After the first 300 or so anime in my list I did a correction of moving everything down. 100% became 90%, 90% became 80% and so on. I did the same thing a second time. Highly recommended to do after having a better grasp on the landscape.

Basically, it's not the available options that are the problem, it's how you make use of them.
Mar 2, 3:04 PM
May 2020
For sure it would make scores more accurate
Mar 2, 3:29 PM
Dec 2021
Jatin587 said:
I believe that MAL should introduce 0.5 rating system as well. Like 6.5, 7.5, 8.5 etc. Coz there are some series I didn't wanted to give a 7 but felt a 6 would be a low score so I can rate it 6.5 and settle in the middle. I think it would lead to more accurate ratings.

I agree with you. there's some animes that I don't want to rate a 9 but 8 is a bit low.
Mar 2, 3:39 PM

Dec 2019
MyDramaList utilize this score system and I think it works pretty well. I don't like the presumption that 7 is supposedly a mediocre rating here so people settle for an 8
Mar 2, 3:53 PM

Jun 2020
why is this on the AOT forums?
Mar 2, 3:56 PM

Apr 2020
How about we accept the fact that 1-10 is a pretty basic and awesome way to score stuff.

How about we just ....well....use the system that is presented to us by the website we chose to visit, instead of trying to have it our way?

The average MaL user does inform you, on his profile, that he's indeed a very special boy that is using his own (and very unique) ranking system, anyways... That will never change, no matter what kind of system is implimented. So there's no point.
Mar 2, 4:37 PM
Jul 2022
SoloNecromancer said:
hey do you have anilist
if you don't have back up all your animelist data and uplode it in anilist
you don't have to rate all anime frm start
it is also great site with good interface and especially for manga and manwha and manhua
all of them are there in anilist but you can't find it in animelist

Oh I do use it as a backup and unfortunately that's a prime example of getting the 100 point scale after having 10 for so long. I still use it as a 10 point scale but I see no reason for it not to be 100.
Mar 2, 4:41 PM
Sep 2021
No, I get where you are coming from as I myself rate them with decimals in my head however, I don't think mal should incorporate this.

If they did this for 1-5 and cut out 5-10, it would be better. mainly because no one uses the 1-10 system properly. Or at least, not the majority.

When people dislike a show, they usually rate it a 5 or 6.. they rarely rate it lower. Unless they end up dropping it then it might be a 4 but even this is rare when they drop. Then you get god tier trash which people vote 3 and below. But for the most part, people don't use the votes through 1 to 5.

So if they had actually incorporated only 1-5 with decimals from the beginning, or just 1-5 in general.. scores would be more accurate however, its not like that.

adding another 10 to the already too many 10 voting system would actually make it less accurate because people would be even less inclined to use the lower bracket of scoring then they currently already do.
FenyyMar 2, 4:46 PM
Mar 2, 4:48 PM

Sep 2018
0.5 ratings aren't necessary if you consider 6 and 7 as positive scores (they are indeed above average) and 5 as something worth watching (4=bad on MAL, so 5 means "not bad").

OP, you have several anime rated 7-8 and very few 1-5. You could spread your 7-8 across 5-8 (something like turning your current 7-7.5-8-8.5 into your new 5-6-7-8) and then scale the rest accordingly.
Mar 2, 5:49 PM
Aug 2021
Fr I was thinking the same yesterday. If we cannot get custom scores, atleast 0.5 should be given.
Mar 2, 5:58 PM

Oct 2017
Should be on AD, not here. Personally I kinda already agonize over the difference between a whole number difference, so decimals would make it worse lol.
Mar 2, 6:07 PM

Aug 2022
I personally do not mind.

However, I doubt MAL itself will implement it considering a good deal of the userbase doesn't utilize the bottom half of the current rating scale.
Mar 2, 8:30 PM
May 2022
I fully understand you question just becoz when I'm talking bout my favs and best I tried to make it easier for myself and say hunter x hunter is a 10 and aot n full metal is 9.5 becos I just wanna say hunter is my fav but know they are all 10s really.
Mar 2, 8:31 PM
May 2022
WestOnAndrewAve said:
If it's going to change from a 10 point I'd prefer a 100 point scale like 7.2 and 8.3 because that's generally how I round them to the closes rating now, but I also don't remember all of the previous anime I've done it for so it would be weird starting now as official ratings.

this is the answer to why not
Mar 2, 8:38 PM
Aug 2020
Keeeppp said:
Nah, but they should have an 11/10 ranking, that you're only allowed to give to like, 1, or maybe 2 animes

you get 10 free showcase anime slots for a reason.
Mar 2, 8:43 PM
Jul 2022
Avamarie316 said:
WestOnAndrewAve said:
If it's going to change from a 10 point I'd prefer a 100 point scale like 7.2 and 8.3 because that's generally how I round them to the closes rating now, but I also don't remember all of the previous anime I've done it for so it would be weird starting now as official ratings.

this is the answer to why not

Right, so I would choose to still use it on a 10 point scale....but others can choose differently if they wanted. If it went to 100 point I would feel 0 effects from it. "I had to so you have to" is a weird stance let alone for something as inconsequential as this.
Mar 2, 11:53 PM
Jun 2016
Fuck it. Binary scale. Shows either get a 1 for good or 0 for bad.
Mar 3, 12:00 AM

Dec 2021
As much as I like the idea I think it would get too complicated.

Mar 3, 3:08 AM

Dec 2024
User ratings would be awesome but id be worried about review bombing from people when you dislike their favorite anime. A 20 point system on MAL is excessive 10 point system does good enough. But interesting ideas.
Mar 3, 3:58 AM
Aug 2024
I think it's fine either way. A 20 point system would lead to more accurate ratings though.
Mar 3, 6:16 AM
Jan 2023
ofc. the anime is not good enough for 8 but not bad enough for 7
Mar 3, 6:44 AM
Aug 2024
No definitely don't need that
but you can use anilist
Mar 3, 10:13 AM
Feb 2024
Spast1c said:
User ratings would be awesome but id be worried about review bombing from people when you dislike their favorite anime. A 20 point system on MAL is excessive 10 point system does good enough. But interesting ideas.

There is no such thing as reviewbombs. They dont exist. The opposite is what is the true problem, review glazing.

If you look at almost any anime, take the 10s and the 1s, the 10s usually outnumber the 1s by a factor of 50 or more. With that ratio they average out to 9.8 which is just absurd. It gets even more ridiculous if you factor in the 9s which usually outnumber the 2s by an even larger factor.
Mar 3, 3:45 PM
Sep 2023
riqmoran said:
Spast1c said:
User ratings would be awesome but id be worried about review bombing from people when you dislike their favorite anime. A 20 point system on MAL is excessive 10 point system does good enough. But interesting ideas.

There is no such thing as reviewbombs. They dont exist. The opposite is what is the true problem, review glazing.

If you look at almost any anime, take the 10s and the 1s, the 10s usually outnumber the 1s by a factor of 50 or more. With that ratio they average out to 9.8 which is just absurd. It gets even more ridiculous if you factor in the 9s which usually outnumber the 2s by an even larger factor.

I suppose that is because for most people, very few, if any, anime appear appalling. I don't think that has anything to do with "review glazing".
Mar 3, 4:23 PM
Dec 2020
Yurippe_05 said:
Definitely yes. There are so many anime that I rated with a 0.5 of difference, and this is important. For example, Chainsaw man 7 and Hell's Paradise 7.5, both good animes but the second kinda better than the first. Is bad give both 7 on mal.

You don't round up?
Mar 3, 4:42 PM
Feb 2024
Braincoke said:
riqmoran said:

There is no such thing as reviewbombs. They dont exist. The opposite is what is the true problem, review glazing.

If you look at almost any anime, take the 10s and the 1s, the 10s usually outnumber the 1s by a factor of 50 or more. With that ratio they average out to 9.8 which is just absurd. It gets even more ridiculous if you factor in the 9s which usually outnumber the 2s by an even larger factor.

I suppose that is because for most people, very few, if any, anime appear appalling. I don't think that has anything to do with "review glazing".

Yes it does because almost no one uses ratings 5 and below. 5 is supposed to mean average, yet almost nothing is rated as average. 4 is supposed to mean bad, yet almost nothing is rated as bad. Average and bad things have to exist by definition. But they are nearly nonexistent on this site because of review glazing skewing the scores upward.
Mar 3, 9:03 PM

May 2021
You should've added a poll so people can vote yes lol.
Mar 4, 1:28 AM

Dec 2024
Reply to riqmoran
Spast1c said:
User ratings would be awesome but id be worried about review bombing from people when you dislike their favorite anime. A 20 point system on MAL is excessive 10 point system does good enough. But interesting ideas.

There is no such thing as reviewbombs. They dont exist. The opposite is what is the true problem, review glazing.

If you look at almost any anime, take the 10s and the 1s, the 10s usually outnumber the 1s by a factor of 50 or more. With that ratio they average out to 9.8 which is just absurd. It gets even more ridiculous if you factor in the 9s which usually outnumber the 2s by an even larger factor.
@riqmoran Review bombing as in somebody creating multiple accounts or like getting multiple people to review negatively regardless of their opinion on the show
Mar 4, 3:09 AM
Feb 2024
Spast1c said:
@riqmoran Review bombing as in somebody creating multiple accounts or like getting multiple people to review negatively regardless of their opinion on the show

Effectively pointless. As for every person who goes through the trouble of creating an entire separate account just to give a 1 star rating theres literally 100 more who mindlessly hand out a 9 or 10. Basically does not exist and has zero impact. Review bombing is just not a thing even worth mentioning.
Mar 4, 8:12 AM
Feb 2022
VampireLord1024 said:
You should've added a poll so people can vote yes lol.

You're right. I should've done that.
Mar 4, 9:14 AM

Jan 2017
Spast1c said:
id be worried about review bombing

If talking about true review bombings (brigading/bots), MAL already has a system blocking that. Nothing can be do to stop usual users just giving bad scores, tho. And as riqmoran said, it has been proven that bots spamming 10s are as many as 1s, more or less cancelling each other. The problem is that the usual users use a lot more 9/10s than 1/2s.
"Genius lives only one storey above madness."
– Arthur Schopenhauer.

"Stupidity is a talent for misconception."
– Edgar Allan Poe.

"I'm tired... and hungry."
– Alexioos95.
Mar 4, 11:39 AM

Sep 2018
Definitely should be added but won't be because it's a fairly niche thing and most of the userbase only uses 7 through 10 as ratings since few think critically about what they watch. You could of course just leave the 10 point scale as the default then have an option for a 20 point scale but alas, tyranny of the majority. Also to the people suggesting Anilist I am not switch to a service with a horrific UI, tyrannical moderators and a lacking database just so that I can have a larger rating scale, lol. That's like throwing the baby out with the bath water. With that being said, proper rating distribution as a few others have suggested in this thread goes a long ways towards minimizing the problem so that's probably your best bet.
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Mar 4, 1:10 PM

Jan 2021
I don't know if I'd want to go over all the anime I want to decide if I should bump them down to a .5 or keep them in a whole
Sometimes it takes a real man to be best girl. Gilgamesh is also chad.

Mar 4, 4:59 PM

Oct 2018
i just do that within the tags.
i don't think it really needs to be a feature, but personally i'd welcome it.
Mar 4, 7:25 PM

May 2015
You rate things 1-10. It's a simple, universally understood system.

If you think that something is inbetween a 6 and a 7, re-evaluate your scoring.
Mar 4, 11:22 PM
Jan 2023
yeah i like this idea honestly. I hate not being able to rate inbetween
Mar 5, 12:22 AM

Dec 2024
Reply to riqmoran
Spast1c said:
@riqmoran Review bombing as in somebody creating multiple accounts or like getting multiple people to review negatively regardless of their opinion on the show

Effectively pointless. As for every person who goes through the trouble of creating an entire separate account just to give a 1 star rating theres literally 100 more who mindlessly hand out a 9 or 10. Basically does not exist and has zero impact. Review bombing is just not a thing even worth mentioning.
@riqmoran I guess? Idk it seems like something id be worried about.
Mar 5, 12:23 AM

Dec 2024
Reply to Alexioos95
Spast1c said:
id be worried about review bombing

If talking about true review bombings (brigading/bots), MAL already has a system blocking that. Nothing can be do to stop usual users just giving bad scores, tho. And as riqmoran said, it has been proven that bots spamming 10s are as many as 1s, more or less cancelling each other. The problem is that the usual users use a lot more 9/10s than 1/2s.
@Alexioos95 I mean i guess you could say that is true. But in the case of profiles, i don't think many people would have voted on a profile as compared to an anime, so where as a anime might get 1000's of ratings even a popular profile would only get a few hundred at most since MAL is known for the anime list not really the users. So i feel like it would be much eaiser to review bomb a profile than an anime.
Mar 5, 2:43 AM
Jun 2020
I guess no: thanks to MAL, they add description what means each mark. So what will be 9.5 - It is almost masterpiece, but more than great? Or 8.5 - it is not enough great, but very very good? Sounds weird
Mar 6, 12:51 AM

Sep 2013
Just use AniDB. It breaks the scale down to 0.01 which should help you rate however you want.
Mar 7, 2:47 PM
Jan 2024
yes, i think part of the reason people use the rating wrong is because rating 1-5 feels harsh, 6 too maybe. 0.5 rating will give 8 posible entries rather than just 7-8-9-10
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