Big Brother 23 Men

Thinking this isn't last time we see Travis on tv : //
Wow! With all the people trying to get on BB, this makes me wonder why they selected him. Maybe to add drama to the show? There certainly would have been some love/hate stuff going on in the house and with American viewers.
I think Travis was originally casted for Survivor but was one of the S41 and S42 recast casualties due to CBS' new 50% BIPOC rule. It's very obvious that the producers are pushing an agenda after the backlash they got from last year. They are trying to save face by making sure a white male is first out, and favoring the BIPOC group.
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A white latina and a blaxican…. Neither represent the brown and afro latino community that are always severely underrepresented in big brother.
Didn’t Kyland say in his intro that he is a part of the afro latino community, that doesn’t fix the under representation at all, but it’s important to acknowledge.