John Farnham interview on Midday with Ray Martin - 1987

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
  • John chats about the success of You're The Voice and how he has moved on from Sadie The Cleaning Lady
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Комментарии • 165

  • @David-h4z2s
    @David-h4z2s Год назад +16

    Surprised The UK 🇬🇧 Never Took
    To John Farnham More, He's Such
    Great Singer

  • @joeohhboy5384
    @joeohhboy5384 11 лет назад +212

    This is one American that has NEVER heard a better vocalist. Without a doubt. No one can compete with JOHN. Thank you for you're gift!!

    • @jacquieholmes4064
      @jacquieholmes4064 4 года назад +27

      Right? Freddy Mercury from Queen said John Farnham is the best male vocalist on the planet. He is/was right!

    • @WahdaMae
      @WahdaMae 4 года назад +16

      This American agrees!

    • @leahmillar8255
      @leahmillar8255 4 года назад +5

      @@jacquieholmes4064 did he really?

    • @dimsim78
      @dimsim78 3 года назад +9

      @@leahmillar8255 So did Richard Marx. Said that he only ever felt like that with Elvis.

    • @westy4973
      @westy4973 2 года назад +2

      @@jacquieholmes4064 any chance u can find where he said that?

  • @annagage4180
    @annagage4180 Год назад +19

    Such a nice guy!! Down to earth, funny and warm.

  • @alijames180
    @alijames180 Год назад +12

    You lovely man just a lovely man.

  • @mikehalgrimson2182
    @mikehalgrimson2182 Год назад +22

    what a shame the American music industry is so messed up the this great talent was never played over the radio. we all lost out.

  • @sandramolina7919
    @sandramolina7919 Год назад +21

    Gifted humble man with a great sense of humor and an amazing beautiful voice. What a beautiful man! ❤

  • @paulcooper-n2v
    @paulcooper-n2v Год назад +13

    Great voice and nice guy.

  • @larissawilson2337
    @larissawilson2337 2 года назад +77

    John Farnham is a beautiful man in all respects. A huge talent, a great husband & father, a very funny personality, just a great man. I hope he’s recovering well & knows that we love him very much.

    • @jane_7193
      @jane_7193 7 месяцев назад +1

      Yes ❤❤❤

  • @linmonash1244
    @linmonash1244 Год назад +21

    Look at John, apologising for the price of the tickets! He's priceless. When I look at this new 'breed' of 'Reactors', from the USA and many other countries, 'Discovering' John for the first time, and scraping their chins off the floor in awe at his voice - just can't express how PROUD I am of / for him.

  • @deniserothwell6325
    @deniserothwell6325 Месяц назад +4

    I wish I had to have gone to one of Johns concerts. For my money best male voice in the world. And a throughly lovely persons too.
    I hear he is doing well after he beat cancer.

  • @tinastyles1144
    @tinastyles1144 2 года назад +35

    I came to Australia in 1981. I turned on the TV during the day, something I never usually did, and to my absolute stunned joy, there was this beautiful young man with this extraordinary voice singing Help. I have been in love with John Farnham from that moment, and am still in love with him.41yrs later. OMG I absolutely adore him and his very beautiful voice. I've seen him live 6 times and would go another 100 times if we're both still around. Get well soon John. All my love xxooxx

    • @karlarmstrong702
      @karlarmstrong702 Год назад +2

      What a man and a fabulous talent. His version of the Beatles Help is still the definitative version, especially when the audience joins in. I love his song Burn for You dedicated to his wife Jill and Touch of Paradise. We all wish him well for his recovery. Having lost a 14 yr old daughter to Hodgkins disease in 1987 I know what his family must have been feeling. I look forward to seeing his movie come out in May this year. John Farnham: Finding the Voice. 🎤🎵🎶

    • @kayethomas7863
      @kayethomas7863 Год назад +1

      @@saturnsun203know how you feel have loved him since late 60s.

      @SCREAMING-MONSTEROUS-CLONE 11 месяцев назад +1

      I ❤ Farnham! Lol I love this young man, even now, he ain't young anymore, lol but yeah still like him til this day, 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏🤟😀

    • @jane_7193
      @jane_7193 7 месяцев назад +1

      This story touches me. I agree.

  • @alijames180
    @alijames180 Год назад +8

    Love John. Forever. ❤

  • @PaulWallis
    @PaulWallis Год назад +9

    A great talent and a great guy. Inspirational.

  • @lornamacintyre8589
    @lornamacintyre8589 Год назад +14

    Met John in Hong Kong when I workef for Ansett . He blew me away . Talented, funny , natural and humble gentleman.
    Wishing you a speedy recovery John.. you are beautiful person x

  • @pepeleperth
    @pepeleperth Год назад +7

    I bet so many are watching this now, based on his reaction videos blowing up. I wish the world would have got prime JF but still appreciate everyone catching on late

  • @barbperfect7172
    @barbperfect7172 2 года назад +15

    John, l've followed you since Sadie. You have grown in and leaps and bounds. Watching you on Ray Martin show. You are the best singer in the world l love you, my Mum loved you and my daughter loves you ❤ l know what happened in 2022 and the world is waiting to see how youare getting on..lf you are not feeling great thats understandable. We still love you,darling Jiily and you darling boys( and the dragon lady) We have a little Facebook fan Club,people who love John Farnham and we have heaps of members. You have given the Australians the best talent in our lives. Your fans overseas love you. Thankyou for being Australians favourite son. Have a good life with your family.. Love you forever 💓 💙💙💙✌

  • @kerryhead9418
    @kerryhead9418 6 лет назад +59

    Always a great guest, John is not only a great singer but a real person who will talk to anyone and be himself!!

  • @jondunmore4268
    @jondunmore4268 Год назад +8

    How perfect that Australia's best vocalist is known as The Voice.
    What I mean is: so many times people are known for things that they are NOT the best at. This guy releases You're The Voice, and IS The Voice.

  • @karenberry1724
    @karenberry1724 6 лет назад +53

    I love this man. He is
    Funny, God gifted talent and the most humble person I know

  • @Keepinitreel108
    @Keepinitreel108 9 лет назад +59

    What a legend the best singer Australia has produced.... ever!

    • @FeminismDebunked
      @FeminismDebunked 6 лет назад +1

      google the paxton kids media watch. Ray Martin is a joke

    • @burtobm
      @burtobm 5 лет назад +5

      He is English - although moved to Australia when he was 10.

    • @randomdude4669
      @randomdude4669 3 года назад +4

      @@burtobm well every Australian was british or English at one stage or another

  • @albertlanger2339
    @albertlanger2339 2 года назад +13

    Our humble John. I am sad about your current problem but know you have the will to survive.

  • @pawsndclawz
    @pawsndclawz 4 года назад +35

    I just LOVE this man so bloody much!

  • @Peace4All09
    @Peace4All09 2 года назад +15

    I love him, always have & pray that he heals from the cancer & powers on! 🙏💜

  • @DejanKeepingitReal
    @DejanKeepingitReal 2 года назад +25

    Such a legend! Australia loves you John Farnham! you've always been a favorite of mine! An absolute legend!

  • @jacquieholmes4064
    @jacquieholmes4064 4 года назад +32

    Dandenong? His Nan used to come in to the Pharmacy I worked in. If anyone remembers the Chemist in Vanity Arcade? The one with all the mirrors? My Boss forbid me from asking about John. Bless her, she always asked for me because she knew I was inlove with John, but I blushed everytime she walked in. She got a kick out of that :) LOL I first met John when I was just 3. He was in a Dick Whittington play. I asked him to marry me! LOL! Still inlove with him to this day, I'm now in my 50's. If I'd known he was singing in Dandenong, I would've had a pub full of people there. He wasn't advertised enough :( Still in love with you John. I'm stuck in the USA and trying to get home to Oz. He is a gift from God and I now have new American fans who just can't believe they never heard of him before!

    • @Nina_Olivia
      @Nina_Olivia 4 года назад +9

      What a beautiful story, Jacquie - love it!

  • @deborahduthie4519
    @deborahduthie4519 Год назад +10

    Twenty-five to thirty Dollars a Ticket...those were the days. I’d pay heaps more to see our John Farnham sing again.🗣🎶🎵Find your health and wishing you find it easier with each passing day. Quite wonderful to watch old footage. What a voice! 🎶🎶👍🏼🇦🇺

  • @Kazeemi2810
    @Kazeemi2810 4 года назад +21

    Oh, I so miss the Aussie talk shows from 70s & 80s...☹️. Ray Martin Show, Don Lane Show...

  • @carolinejanssen9034
    @carolinejanssen9034 3 года назад +18

    He is so humble, kind, a comedian with such vocal talent

  • @user-xz4tx7lz1n
    @user-xz4tx7lz1n Год назад +4

    ha ha ha ...Thanks John , for confirming , the story I have been mentioning FOR YEARS ,,,the ,Dandenong gig , Crowd of 9 ..!!!!! i WAS ONE OF THEM ....just before the career took off again. ...If we ever meet again, I can name the Pub !!! heeee heeee heeee. What a Star...A Natural Star....A real Star .......So deserving of massive success..!!! Foer heavens sake Take care ...Cheers Rob

  • @glenaustin4862
    @glenaustin4862 3 года назад +18

    A magnificent singer and person.

  • @atuckertucker
    @atuckertucker Год назад +5

    Good looking man! Thanks for the video.

  • @sandipage9525
    @sandipage9525 2 года назад +14

    It's so refreshing to see an unassuming performer whom has his feet on the ground ..he is extremely talented ..I'm in love with his voice ..he is absolutely one of the greatest voices out there ..or was our there ..I pray he recovers from cancer ...I'm so disappointed that I've only been recently introduced ..dunno how I missed him..but how blessed I am that I have heard him sing ..

  • @juliepapantoniou1505
    @juliepapantoniou1505 Год назад +3

    I love this interview with John and after all these years he is still the most humble genuine wonderfull human being, we all love you John , you are the real live come back kid , always striving to be the best you can be , l admire you so much , you have given me the strength l have needed through all the trials and tribulations of my own journey, always an ever present force , l am so happy to hear you are cancer free 👍

  • @robynmcdermott2845
    @robynmcdermott2845 4 месяца назад +1

    Was is and will be the greatest person ever to bless us with his voice smile and kindness. Sending love and much healing thoughts to you and your family. ❤

  • @tamarahornyak5744
    @tamarahornyak5744 23 дня назад +1

    I was born at the wrong time I was born in 1966 that yes that makes me almost 59 in March 2025 and I am proud to say that I was raised upon Jon bon Jovi and I bet John knows John So anyways those two boys men remind me so much the energy they've got together it's just one was 25 years back from me and one is a few years older than me so it's nice to know got two handsome men in between different decades You can still belt it

  • @peterbravestrong
    @peterbravestrong 4 года назад +18

    The Voice, The Legend.

  • @bettinahansen7630
    @bettinahansen7630 3 года назад +15

    Funny and down to earth at the same time, love him♥️

  • @margierogers1815
    @margierogers1815 4 года назад +14

    My favorite interview !

  • @andrewcoursaris5063
    @andrewcoursaris5063 6 лет назад +20

    I remeber listening to all his songs as a child going on holidays in the car with my family. Legendary songs reasons age of reason pressure down touch of paradise all great songs

  • @FullyFarnham
    @FullyFarnham 7 лет назад +25

    Ray & John. Always an entertaining conversation.

  • @denisejones5843
    @denisejones5843 6 месяцев назад +1

    Have been a fan since the days of Sadie. Saw him with the Hollies in 1969 and have seen him three times since. Love him as an entertainer and a great Aussie. You are The Voice.

  • @alyn927
    @alyn927 4 года назад +19

    Great interview and a great person I have always loved his personality and VOICE. Thankyou for this upload

    @SCREAMING-MONSTEROUS-CLONE 11 месяцев назад +1

    Good interview with John Farnham!! ❤🤟👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

  • @yvonnehouse1697
    @yvonnehouse1697 Год назад +3

    John you are one beautiful, talented, gorgeous, caring man.
    You will always be our the man with the Voice of the World 🌎 ❤️

  • @TheCappaQueen
    @TheCappaQueen 2 года назад +8

    What a lovely interview.

  • @Bonstergirl1
    @Bonstergirl1 9 лет назад +27

    Great person who appreciates what he has :)

  • @alijames180
    @alijames180 Год назад +2

    You spotted him! 😂😂😂😂😂 I have heard that term for over 30 years hilariously so.

  • @thatgnaralooguy
    @thatgnaralooguy 2 года назад +9

    A man with that voice singing pubs with no audience. Insane.

  • @leoniebynder
    @leoniebynder 13 дней назад

    Beautiful man. And a great sense of humour. Love you John.

  • @bronwynarmstrong118
    @bronwynarmstrong118 Месяц назад +1

    Love these interviews with Ray on the midday show. Had to laugh at the end when he mentions how expensive the tickets are. $25-30 !!!!😂

  • @gnieob777
    @gnieob777 Год назад +4

    A great Aussie bloke that deserved every part of his success.

  • @James-lw3gi
    @James-lw3gi 3 года назад +14

    What a legend.

  • @KarenBlackburn
    @KarenBlackburn 12 лет назад +22

    He is SOOO cute!!!!

  • @robertthomson2159
    @robertthomson2159 Год назад +3

    What a funny guy.

  • @loveconquersall143
    @loveconquersall143 5 лет назад +21

    I love this man. Thank you for posting this ❤

  • @JulieLAgresta
    @JulieLAgresta 3 года назад +5

    Love that he proudly says he was from Dandenong & what a Humble Guy.

  • @fritzfriend9802
    @fritzfriend9802 Год назад +3

    Lovely man wonderful talent ❤

  • @dianasnow7065
    @dianasnow7065 4 месяца назад +1

    I got to meet John Farnham in Joliet Illinois at the Rialto theater in concert and I got all of the little River Band to sign my playing to win album I had their new tape . John was a very nice guy and funny great singer

    @SCREAMING-MONSTEROUS-CLONE 10 месяцев назад +1

    He literally talks to ANYone! I ❤ him, I wish I could meet him, I wish

      @SCREAMING-MONSTEROUS-CLONE 10 месяцев назад

      I love johnny farnham, as an Aussie, Australia Is a country that I would Love to visit someday . Lol

  • @AussiePat79
    @AussiePat79 9 лет назад +41

    He should of won awards for that awesome mullet!

    • @mixmechanical2250
      @mixmechanical2250 7 лет назад +5 haircut for sure. it was all business in front, party out the back, wing nuts flapping in the worries mate :)

    • @alstrange6055
      @alstrange6055 5 лет назад +7

      John was offered the Queen gig, said he’d mullet of the greatest singers of all time...🙂👍

  • @sooboese3211
    @sooboese3211 2 года назад +10

    Yeah we Germans love this man

  • @therezaloftus
    @therezaloftus 10 лет назад +20

    thanks so much for this video i loved it he really is a lovely guy and very funny as well as a great singer

  • @janetcorbett356
    @janetcorbett356 2 года назад +5

    What a beautiful man...

  • @danodavis6994
    @danodavis6994 10 лет назад +10

    thanks for sharing this video

  • @johnlouden4199
    @johnlouden4199 Год назад +3

    john is loved in scotland

  • @RMashby
    @RMashby 8 лет назад +11

    Thank you so much for sharing this video.

  • @thecrow719
    @thecrow719 5 лет назад +17

    I wish his songs were known in the US.

    • @gaiapurpure
      @gaiapurpure 5 лет назад +10

      I know “You’re The Voice” was featured in a scene in a movie a few years ago…

    • @David-h4z2s
      @David-h4z2s Год назад

      Still Played On Local
      National Radio Stations
      In the UK To This Day 2023-2024

  • @robertglanville2915
    @robertglanville2915 7 лет назад +14

    Holy smoke! I'd pay $30 to see John live!

  • @apd8339
    @apd8339 7 лет назад +12

    good interview.

  • @rotkatzeredcat4284
    @rotkatzeredcat4284 3 года назад +10

    John always looked like a medieval prince. Today and yesterday.

  • @lindaconacher6218
    @lindaconacher6218 2 года назад +6 forward to the year 2022, Oct 20...if I could buy John Farnham concert tickets for $25 - $30 as he mentioned in the Interview, I'd buy several and go to the concert every night for a whole week!! ❤️❤️

  • @dreambeliever3652
    @dreambeliever3652 Год назад +1

    Look.. who cares. He’s just got the game together. John: I know it’s been difficult but you are a HUGE inspiration!
    Every time from the US I keep coming back. My wife hates you but I idk anymore. I love you man. You have given everything you possibly could do and obviously have turned out to be an the the biggest icon

    @WWAWHTR 3 года назад +7

    And best mullet ever.

  • @rodfletcher9937
    @rodfletcher9937 2 года назад +8

    He is the sought of guy you would donate a kidney if he needed one.

  • @alijames180
    @alijames180 Год назад +2

    Isn’t he lovely. ❤

  • @grandmasmagic3858
    @grandmasmagic3858 5 лет назад +14

    l just 'eye rolled' when he mentioned $25 - $30 per ticket to see him in concert, so 30+ years on you are now looking at 3 figure amounts for tickets to see him..

    • @helenpinchen4712
      @helenpinchen4712 3 года назад +2

      At the time a weeks rent was the same amount and you might earn $120 a fortnight.

    • @belindastanton4811
      @belindastanton4811 2 года назад +3

      And worth every cent

  • @karlenemacdonald6549
    @karlenemacdonald6549 4 года назад +7

    wow....he said that 20, 25, even 30 dollars per ticket is expensive for a concert! With concert tickets nowadays sometimes being up to $900 for front row, (Celine Dion) times have changed...!!!

  • @whispy94
    @whispy94 12 лет назад +17

    $30 a ticket. I've paid ten times that. Those were the days.

  • @dalemaree7022
    @dalemaree7022 24 дня назад


  • @stupendous1068
    @stupendous1068 9 лет назад +12

    The Aussie voice sounded so different back then.

  • @shanebarras7816
    @shanebarras7816 4 года назад +6

    Great hair.

  • @annehat4833
    @annehat4833 Год назад

    2 girls having a chat sweet !

  • @aussierando9582
    @aussierando9582 Год назад +3

    I had a little chuckle when John said the his fans were paying big dollars for a ticket to his shows 23, 25 to 30 dollars a ticket. Nowadays you pay double that just for the parking

    • @cherylween4973
      @cherylween4973 Год назад

      Just for the parking? Where is that? Sydney?

  • @jamesyoung1012
    @jamesyoung1012 4 года назад +7

    Yes he is from England Jimmy Barnes Scotland Bee Gees England all great singers that's why it where they come from
    I'm Australian just trying to think who from Australia can really sing in the the level of these guys
    Someone help me please I can't think of one really great singer we have produced Keith urban is our best export incredible
    John is the best voice we have given he is 80% Aussie and a great guy !

    • @Tanzman78
      @Tanzman78 4 года назад +3

      Stevie Wright of that era? Shame he couldn’t beat his inner demons.

    • @christinetindal-davies8489
      @christinetindal-davies8489 2 года назад

      Diesel, Jack Jones

    • @jamesyoung1012
      @jamesyoung1012 2 года назад

      @@christinetindal-davies8489 appreciate your response yes agree jack jones particularly good singer Diesel a great musician
      In my view not an outstanding vocalist, interesting here again both Diesel and Jack Jones both born in America the came to Australia

    • @johnburton2874
      @johnburton2874 2 года назад

      @@jamesyoung1012 why don't you tell us where you are really from,,you english prat,, Get Over It,,after all you still have the 'strolling bones',,,

    • @jamesyoung1012
      @jamesyoung1012 2 года назад +1

      @@johnburton2874 I’m from Australia do your self a favour and don’t embarrass yourself with your negative comments

  • @Sarahsemails09
    @Sarahsemails09 4 года назад +8

    $30 a ticket?
    If only he knew then that in the future people would be paying hundreds to see him!!

  • @brett5728
    @brett5728 9 лет назад +4

    Oh Ray I loved that Wig.

  • @IanGorton
    @IanGorton 11 лет назад +3

    Here here. Mind you this was 1987. So I don't what $30 back then would be in today's money

  • @1908fcim
    @1908fcim 5 лет назад +4

    Noble Park legend

  • @salsmell6815
    @salsmell6815 3 года назад +1


  • @miabrown1000
    @miabrown1000 Год назад +1

    $30 bucks a ticket ? Gods.. I'd pay anything - name a figure - per ticket and I reckon a huge number of folks would do the same - if it meant we get to see our Legend in concert - healthy, whole, hearty, and in a good place .. and free of the health issues plagueing him now..

  • @alijames180
    @alijames180 Год назад +1

    John is delicious ❤ and is hilarious 😂

  • @Leonie-h2e
    @Leonie-h2e 19 дней назад

    A great example of a UK AUSTRALIAN DANDENONG. Man

  • @RonLucock
    @RonLucock 2 года назад

    "On the Willesee thing..." Gee, those were the days.

  • @zetacrucis681
    @zetacrucis681 3 года назад +1

    12:50 the funniest bit

  • @joelhartgen81
    @joelhartgen81 6 лет назад +2

    Joel hartgen. Say song. With. You. Olivia newton john amazing grace

  • @widdywaddy622
    @widdywaddy622 5 лет назад +7

    did not know he was an aussie i thought hew was american.

  • @whitenoiseproaudio
    @whitenoiseproaudio 4 года назад +1

    when was this recorded?? 1987?? He said his boy, who is born in 1979, was 5 1/2????

  • @lubatiflides3374
    @lubatiflides3374 Год назад


  • @devi_-
    @devi_- Год назад

    I'll never get over the intro music having the wrong lyric lol

    • @spikeyroberto
      @spikeyroberto  Год назад

      What do they sing? “Make a ??? and make it clear”

    • @devi_-
      @devi_- Год назад

      @@spikeyroberto I think it's make it loud and make it clear iirc. Maybe it was a joke since he namechecked Geoff Harvey the band leader when he was taking about messing up lyrics.

  • @raythackston1960
    @raythackston1960 3 года назад +1

    And today in 2022 tickets to big shows top $200.00 easy.