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May 23, 2016 12:33 PM
Lead Admin
Faerie Queen

Aug 2007
Users who have adblock enabled on MAL will have noticed some new banners on the site today, asking you to please consider whitelisting MyAnimeList in your adblock software.

Ugh, how annoying. Why was this change even made?
MAL has seen more development in the last 1.5 years than it has in over 5 years. Our dev team at DeNA have put a considerable amount of work into fixing ancient bugs and adding desperately needed features, and are committed to keep doing so.

But dev time isn't paid with leaves.
MAL is a free service. And we'd like to keep it a free service for everyone.

This means we need advertisements to support site development. However, a very large percentage of our community is currently using adblock, which negatively impacts how much dev time we can get. Since adblock is a standard feature that most users just install and forget about, we wanted to ask for our site visitors and users to please consider supporting development on MAL.

Okay, but why didn't you improve ____ before pushing this change?
Personally, I tend to like to submit a project in its completed form and near-perfect, without taking intermediate steps (I hated essay spider webs in school). So, I can understand where this sentiment is coming from.

In the real world though, things often don't work this way. It would have been near-perfect if DeNA could have asked for your feedback on our ads first, taken time to consider it and implemented what they could have, and then have added banners asking everyone to whitelist MAL. The truth is we need your support to improve, and this is why we're asking for it now.

I would disable adblock, but...
... you find our advertisements so painful that your love of MAL can't change your mind to support the site? I can think of a few reasons why you may feel this way. We'd like to work together with the community to improve your experience—and making everyone aware that this is an issue, is only the first step. To get good feedback though, we also need you to use the site with ads for more than a few page clicks (even if it makes your eye twitch at first...)

Fine. How can I give feedback?

○ For complaints about specific advertisements (i.e. they play sound, are too explicit, etc.) please use this link.

General complaints/suggestions? Please consider answering one or more of the following questions in this thread:
• What is your biggest complaint with MAL's advertisements?
• Which aspect of MAL's ad experience do you think doesn't need improvement (i.e. is good as it is)?
• Are there any pages on MAL where you don't mind the ads? Are there any pages where you really mind them?
• Would you prefer well-placed, in-content advertisements? Or advertisements on the top, sides, and end of the page?
• Which kind of advertisements do you like to see?  And conversely, don't?
• If there were an option to subscribe monthly/yearly (by paying money) to both hide advertisements and support MAL, would you?
• Any other comments/concerns/suggestions?
• Please let us know your country (or NA/EU/AS, if you don't want to say).

Thank you for your understanding and feedback. Advertisements aren't nice for any of us, but I hope we can find a good balance between unobtrusive ads you'd like to see and MAL being able to receive all the site development it needs.
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May 23, 2016 12:44 PM

Jul 2015
I disabled ad block for now, but if things change, i will probably enable it again. I'm ok with ads, as long as they are not annoying.

If i have any problems, i will report it
May 23, 2016 12:46 PM

Aug 2015
Never used Adblock and probably never will (I'm on mobile anyway)

They don't get in the way of anything, and there isn't any pop up ads either. It's nice seeing most of the ads are anime/manga related in some way (iv seen a few Hentai ads, rather not see those however).

My only big complain is the large left/right side ads that take up all the white space on sides(small ones arnt bad, not sure how it looks on PC though). Smaller ads that only take 1/4 of the blank space don't really bother me.
May 23, 2016 12:50 PM

Jul 2011

Mmhhh, yeah, remove those ones first.
Kineta said:
adding desperately needed features,

Like the 30 character limit or adding those extra buttons on the anime page that do the same thing that before without removing the old one or forcing people to change their profiles instead of leaving them to choice of using the old ones? Yeah, sure, we "needed" those changes.

There are somethings that many users asked and those gets ignored, instead we get stuff that "fix" unbroken things, now i must see a girl about to get raped in every single page of the forum and can't block it.

Good job MAL, good job.
PralandMay 23, 2016 1:12 PM
May 23, 2016 12:54 PM
Feb 2015
Disabled it on my mobile, couldn't do it on my pc. For some reason even if I whitelist a website on adguard, it still blocks the ads.
May 23, 2016 12:57 PM

Jul 2011
Users from young to old, see same advertisement, that is bad idea and you force them to turn adblock off.

"A half moon, it has a dark half and a bright half, just like me…", Yuno Gasai
May 23, 2016 12:59 PM

Aug 2015
Long live MAL....

Long live ads......!

I don't mind whitelisting MAL. But if only those "developments" were actually useful to the users.

What was necessary?
Minimum 30 character limit ?= ×
Profile update? = ×
Streaming services? = Region locked = ×

I'd like to help MAL going thus disabling ADBlock ain't no big deal.
Just 1 request, Don't fix what ain't broke!

• Which kind of advertisements do you like to see? And conversely, don't?

=> Anything that isn't disturbing but rather fun to look at.
• If there were an option to subscribe monthly/yearly (by paying money) to both hide advertisements and support MAL, would you?

=>Just for hiding ads? Nope.
=>For supporting MAL? I'll consider it
• Are there any pages on MAL where you don't mind the ads? Are there any pages where you really mind them?
=>Where I really mind then? Recommendations and Reviews page. Please no.
And the forums ( moderately )
=>Where I don't mind? Watch episodes page and PVs
Z-DanteMay 24, 2016 3:10 AM
May 23, 2016 12:59 PM

Jun 2015
The reason for me to activate adblock was that the ads slowed down my browser enormously.
May 23, 2016 1:00 PM
Mar 2016
Hey, I don't have a specific example, but on my iPhone when I try to visit forums, I get adds that will constantly come up and block my screen telling me I won a prize. There is no exit except to close the ad when will take me to the ad's website.

More often than not, its about winning a contest to test a new IPhone or something like that.
I am new to the anime community, please feel free to suggest any anime for me to watch and review. List is currently in my Bio.

Currently watching: Ghost in the Shell; Stand Alone Complex

"Some people get kicks, stomping on a dream. But I don't let it, let it get me down, 'cause this fine o'l world keeps spinning around." -That's Life, Frank Sinatra
May 23, 2016 1:00 PM

Oct 2013
I blocked those banners too lol but I'll unblock for a certain time every now n then for support.
My Manga List
My Anime List
Shabada shabadabadaba
I am DjG545 aka Dj Fo Fo aka The Mutha Fkn Name I'm Usin Now
May 23, 2016 1:02 PM

Apr 2010
Gaichi said:
Users from young to old, see same advertisement, that is bad idea and you force them to turn adblock off.
From what i understand those ads that you are seeing here and on your profile should only be shown on the pages for Hentai.
Something went wrong apparently.
Dancewithknives said:
Hey, I don't have a specific example, but on my iPhone when I try to visit forums, I get adds that will constantly come up and block my screen telling me I won a prize. There is no exit except to close the ad when will take me to the ad's website.

More often than not, its about winning a contest to test a new IPhone or something like that.
That sounds like an annoying ad which you can post about in the complaint thread
AversaMay 23, 2016 1:16 PM
May 23, 2016 1:04 PM

Apr 2014
I whitelisted mal because the new banner was kawaii & called me senpai =3
May 23, 2016 1:04 PM

Jul 2010
Kineta said:
Our dev team at DeNA have put a considerable amount of work into fixing ancient bugs and adding desperately needed features

Fixing bugs is always a good thing but the "desperately needed features" are kinda hit and miss. Feel like there is a lot of unnecessary changes being made on this site like the massive scores being on the top of the anime/manga pages etc. I'm just saying there is a lot that doesn't need to be there in the first place and you would have saved money not doing all those unnecessary things. Same with the whole streaming thing I wonder how many people actually use it on this site, doesn't it cost money keep it up and having license etc? would be nice to see some official stats on that.

I'm just saying all this because of saving money thus showing less ads in other means and another person mentioned a donation system could also work, if people donate enough you could show less and less ads each month or something.
May 23, 2016 1:07 PM
Mar 2016

I will be sure to screencap it next time it comes up.
I am new to the anime community, please feel free to suggest any anime for me to watch and review. List is currently in my Bio.

Currently watching: Ghost in the Shell; Stand Alone Complex

"Some people get kicks, stomping on a dream. But I don't let it, let it get me down, 'cause this fine o'l world keeps spinning around." -That's Life, Frank Sinatra
May 23, 2016 1:09 PM

Mar 2013
I wouldn't mind disabling adblock if the adds weren't so obtrusive

[s]the site would save money if it didn't pay people to write click-bait "articles"[s]
May 23, 2016 1:10 PM
Dec 2012
On one page alone there are seven ads. No thanks.

TrashDax said:
The reason for me to activate adblock was that the ads slowed down my browser enormously.

That's exactly why I have ad blocker too.
May 23, 2016 1:15 PM
Jan 2009
im from the philippines a third world country so the reason i use adblock is to speed up my browsing experience because ads takes some significant bandwidth too

but i disabled adblock now for MAL's sake

as for annoying ads placement, im complaining about the side section as it takes a lot of space and stretching my small screen to the point i have scroll bars at the bottom

May 23, 2016 1:21 PM
Lead Admin
Faerie Queen

Aug 2007
Praland said:
Mmhhh, yeah, remove those ones first.
Kineta said:
○ For complaints about specific advertisements (i.e. they play sound, are too explicit, etc.) please use this link.

Dancewithknives said:
I will be sure to screencap it next time it comes up.
Please report them in this linked thread.

DoctorMole said:
Where do I pay to disable it? Come on, these boxes are annoying more than adverts. :o
To disable ads or your adblock software? I don't understand. If you want to pay to hide ads, then please see the feedback questions.

Z-Dante said:
But if only those "developments" were actually useful to the users.
There have been plenty of new features and changes which were useful—some of which were also added before you joined. If you take a moment to think of them, I think you could make a much longer list.

Tenth said:
Feel like there is a lot of unnecessary changes being made on this site like the massive scores being on the top of the anime/manga pages etc. I'm just saying there is a lot that doesn't need to be there in the first place and you would have saved money not doing all those unnecessary things. Same with the whole streaming thing I wonder how many people actually use it on this site, doesn't it cost money keep it up and having license etc? would be nice to see some official stats on that.
I understand that, as a regular user, a lot of these smaller design changes that don't add anything to your experience feel really unnecessary and like they were a waste of dev time. The truth is that most do not take too much in the way of resources to implement, and they are implemented to target casual visitors rather than the existing community. The new top bar on anime/manga pages makes it more clear to a new visitor that we are a community, not just a wikia of information. That they can join, list, rate, etc. Crunchyroll and other streaming integration has been regularly requested in the Suggestions board for years.

I don't want to get into a pro/con war about every change DeNA has made. The fact is that they have implemented many features that users have requested for years upon years. These changes—the seasonal anime page, the predictive and all-inclusive search, a notifications system with a variety of long-requested alerts, to name a few—are where extensive development time really goes.
KinetaMay 23, 2016 1:26 PM
May 23, 2016 1:23 PM

Jul 2014

から出られない美少女を このは・・・!!!


No but seriously, the ads are not that annoying, well some are REALLY annoying but these ones are actually funny.
As long as the ads are in Japanese I guess it's ok (AKA that freaking soccer ad needs to go right now!)
korogoroMay 23, 2016 1:31 PM

May 23, 2016 1:27 PM

Oct 2007
girl in wall ad is funny, i approve.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
May 23, 2016 1:35 PM

Jul 2014
Praland said:

Mmhhh, yeah, remove those ones first.
Kineta said:
adding desperately needed features,

Like the 30 character limit or adding those extra buttons on the anime page that do the same thing that before without removing the old one or forcing people to change their profiles instead of leaving them to choice of using the old ones? Yeah, sure, we "needed" those changes.

There are somethings that many users asked and those gets ignored, instead we get stuff that "fix" unbroken things, now i must see a girl about to get raped in every single page of the forum and can't block it.

Good job MAL, good job.

ik that feel man ://
May 23, 2016 1:46 PM

Jan 2008
I disabled AdBlock like you asked, but I don't see any ads.
May 23, 2016 1:46 PM

Feb 2013
I disabled adblock, but I don't see any ads, any ideas from the staff?
May 23, 2016 1:49 PM

Apr 2013
But I detest ads, even if they aren't intrusive.
May 23, 2016 1:55 PM

Jan 2014
I disabled my adblock for now.
May 23, 2016 2:01 PM

Aug 2008
I would rather stop using browser altogether than disable adblock. Especially on MAL that is full of intrusive and really disgusting ads that screw up (already bad) page layout. Smearing that "please disable adblock" crap all over the place is just being an asshole. When I'm reading a newspaper I'm not forced to look at crappy ads before turning a page. And pages with ads are not heavier...
Ii tenki desu ne...
May 23, 2016 2:03 PM

Mar 2015
yeeeaaaaa but no tnx, also spamming that stupid banner won't do you any good. You guys survived for so long already and now all of a sudden you feel the need to tell ppl what to do? Do you rly think those banners can't be prevented from showing...? Also, like Z-Dante said, these improvements were not necessairy, most of the time. So, in the last year and a half, there may have been more edits compared to other years, but does that mean there are more IMPROVEMENTS? no. New profile update was not needed AT ALL, ppl just make their own list anyway with the CSS they desire.

I do admit that there are some nice improvements made recently like the streaming service (for a certain amount of the ppl here, not everyone with the region block), but cmon, you can't tell me that all of a sudden after all this time you can't make enough money anymore to keep dev'ing this site...
May 23, 2016 2:08 PM

Jun 2011
Get rid of the character limit rule and use non-intrusive ads (the ones in those screenshots are way too much) and I'll whitelist the site. Not supporting a site that doesn't listen to feedback.
May 23, 2016 2:08 PM

Jun 2015
I've seen some pretty bad ads on MAL and some quite inappropriate ones too... I hope you will regulate the ads shown on MAL @ MAL. I was on the home page of my MAL on my phone and a highly sexually suggestive ad was being displayed.

Ads that run scripts or play sounds/videos are a big no-no for me so I'll give MAL a chance ^^

Antanaru said:
I would rather stop using browser altogether than disable adblock. Especially on MAL that is full of intrusive and really disgusting ads that screw up (already bad) page layout. Smearing that "please disable adblock" crap all over the place is just being an asshole. When I'm reading a newspaper I'm not forced to look at crappy ads before turning a page. And pages with ads are not heavier...

You can disable it for certain websites "Disable on"

• What is your biggest complaint with MAL's advertisements?
They're innapropriate and intrusive. It's shocking that some of these ads are displayed when MAL is open for children to join.
1. Eligibility said:
You must be at least 13 to access and use our Service.

• Which aspect of MAL's ad experience do you think doesn't need improvement (i.e. is good as it is)?

• Are there any pages on MAL where you don't mind the ads? Are there any pages where you really mind them?
It's fine as it is in my opinion.

• Would you prefer well-placed, in-content advertisements? Or advertisements on the top, sides, and end of the page?
Current placement is fine but if I had to chose then Top, sides, end of page.

• Which kind of advertisements do you like to see? And conversely, don't?

• If there were an option to subscribe monthly/yearly (by paying money) to both hide advertisements and support MAL, would you?
There are quite a lot of users on MAL so a monthly subscription of about $3-$5 would be reasonable.

• Any other comments/concerns/suggestions?
Please make sure your ads are safe for younger users and free of malicious content

• Please let us know your country (or NA/EU/AS, if you don't want to say).
TomatoMay 23, 2016 2:33 PM
May 23, 2016 2:08 PM

Jul 2008
If blocking ads stops MAL from adding more of the god-awful "features" of the past 1,5 year that's just an extra reason to block them and the intrusive begging banners.

May 23, 2016 2:10 PM

Aug 2008
@Tomato I know. I meant I would never disable adblock on any site. Especially on MAL.
Ii tenki desu ne...
May 23, 2016 2:13 PM
Dec 2014
why should I see ads if most content comes from users?

in addition the streaming site embedding should give some money.
May 23, 2016 2:13 PM

Jun 2008
- Ads could be interesting if they were customizable enough, like if I could choose to see ads aimed at learners of Japanese language, yaoi fans, people looking for cool digital manga to buy, etc. Not sure how difficult it would be to set up something like this.

- For the paid subscriptions, is there at least a rough estimate of how much would that cost?

- Currently my biggest complaint would be the animated ads perhaps. I would prefer it if everything was static.

- Ads at the sides are the best IMO since that space isn't used anyway. Ads that appear between different sections of anime pages are 1000 times worse.
May 23, 2016 2:13 PM

Jun 2010
What I do not like is advertisements that get in the way of the content on the page. If I have to scroll down farther than I would of needed to get to the content I was looking for, or if it makes content harder to find, then I consider those advertisements annoying and immediately enable adblocking for the site.

This includes advertisements located at the bottom of the page (scrolling to the bottom of the page is really easy, and when I have to scroll up to get to second-to-last post that I already knew was there, its annoying).

Until the ads stop getting in the way of the content, I will gladly keep adblock enabled and just use element blocking to remove the "Online Ads keep MAL running" banners manually.

If I really wanted to support the developers, Ill disable adblocking, but thats only when the devs do something useful (which they haven't yet).
May 23, 2016 2:14 PM

Apr 2012
The only thing I've done today is upgrade from Adblock plus to ublock Origin so I could get rid of those obnoxious banners in the middle of the damn pages. Also, if I remember correctly, MAL at least used to have obnoxious pop-ups which only ever reinforced my need for adblock.

Rather than talking about "needed features", why not put more effort into getting more mods or perhaps changing your policies on accepting Light Novels into the databse? That stuff seems way more important to me.
May 23, 2016 2:16 PM

Jul 2012
I'd say the only 2 ads that annoy me is that auto-playing video that'll sometimes appear at the bottom of a page and the fact that its not muted by default too which is the worst thing. It's extremely annoying when I'm on my phone too since I'm usually listening to music but it ends up turning itself off due to that video.

Then there's the other popups that'll take me to a new page when I'm on my phone too which is the most annoying of all especially when I'm forced to close the tab and reopen the page I was originally looking at which shouldn't have been an issue in the first place. And yeah, the unnecessary white space at the edges on computer are annoying too.
May 23, 2016 2:18 PM

Jan 2016
Tomato said:
I've seen some pretty bad ads on MAL and some quite inappropriate ones too... I hope you will regulate the ads shown on MAL @ MAL. I was on the home page of my MAL on my phone and a highly sexually suggestive ad was being displayed.


I will disable Adblock only when there will not be malicious ads.
Johnnyd3rpMay 23, 2016 2:33 PM
May 23, 2016 2:18 PM
Mar 2014
Kineta said:
• What is your biggest complaint with MAL's advertisements?
I don't have any complaints.
• Which aspect of MAL's ad experience do you think doesn't need improvement (i.e. is good as it is)?
• Are there any pages on MAL where you don't mind the ads? Are there any pages where you really mind them?
Nothing bothers me, but the number of ads on entry pages is kind of funny.
• Would you prefer well-placed, in-content advertisements? Or advertisements on the top, sides, and end of the page?
Depends on the context—some pages could benefit more from in-content ads than others.
• Which kind of advertisements do you like to see? And conversely, don't?
No preference.
• If there were an option to subscribe monthly/yearly (by paying money) to both hide advertisements and support MAL, would you?
Yes, and I would be interested in both annual and monthly payment options; if the annual rate was, say, $50 a year instead of $6 a month, I would choose the annual subscription.
• Any other comments/concerns/suggestions?
• Please let us know your country (or NA/EU/AS, if you don't want to say).
Oh, you know. Canada.

Polychrome said:
But I detest ads, even if they aren't intrusive.
Blame the shortcomings of capitalism, not those scraping to get by.
vegetablespiritMay 23, 2016 2:22 PM
May 23, 2016 2:22 PM

Apr 2013
Max said:
Kineta said:
• What is your biggest complaint with MAL's advertisements?
I don't have any complaints.
May 23, 2016 2:23 PM

Jun 2012
Tomato said:
I've seen some pretty bad ads on MAL and some quite inappropriate ones too... I hope you will regulate the ads shown on MAL @ MAL. I was on the home page of my MAL on my phone and a highly sexually suggestive ad was being displayed.

100% agree.
May 23, 2016 2:25 PM
Jul 2015
I will keep it out for now.

I think that if MAL stuff advertised a donation campaign everyone would be happy and you would gain enough money for whatever you need it now. Advertizing is always intrussive up to some degree and it slows the navigator. And the worst of all, this change on a web use to lead to overadvertising, which generated long ago the NEED of adblock to simply being able to navegate on the internet. Hope this is not the beginning of that phenomenom. Besides I don't see why this change happened that quickly. If you had the need of the money I think that would have been noticed before. Whatever.

More space between the content and the lateral ads would be a good idea.

And please, remove those adverticements that aren't static. The ones that are moving are annoying as hell.
roquepoMay 23, 2016 2:37 PM
May 23, 2016 2:32 PM
Ceasefire NOW

Aug 2009
I disabled Adblock to watch the streaming service and then I enabled it once an advertisement with audio came up. Please do something about it.
May 23, 2016 2:35 PM
Mar 2014
By the way, if anyone visits the site from iOS device(s), here are the relevant settings I use:
General > Privacy > Advertising > Limit Ad Tracking (enabled)
Safari > General > Block Pop-ups (enabled)
Safari > Privacy & Security > Do Not Track (enabled)
Safari > Privacy & Security > Block Cookies > Allow From Current Website Only
Safari > Privacy & Security > Fraudulent Website Warning (enabled)

Polychrome said:
Max said:
I don't have any complaints.

That's coming from me as a user. I only became a moderator a month or two ago, and it's not like it pays.
May 23, 2016 2:44 PM

Feb 2014
ya get rid of the inappropriate adverts then i'll..maybe..disable adblocker on here lol
May 23, 2016 2:45 PM
May 2015
Haha you want me to disable my Adblock just to support your shitty ass site? No way in hell. I'll keep using my Adblock and you can't stop me!

May 23, 2016 3:01 PM

Dec 2012
One of the main reasons I've used Adblock is because of advertisements on anime/manga lists. My list is so big now that it takes 10-15 seconds to load with advertisements. Without it takes 2.
May 23, 2016 3:02 PM

Mar 2011
I don't know what is more annoying, the ads or those anti-adblock messages everywhere.
Now I have to choose: ANN, AniDB, Anime-Planet, HummingBird or AniList.

FrezlajMay 24, 2016 10:46 AM
May 23, 2016 3:07 PM
Aug 2015
Was using adblockplus, disabled because you asked to.
Im thankful for this site and cant understand why so many people rage against adds when it still doesnt cost anything for us.
Just let the adds be there and be happy you have MAL
May 23, 2016 3:11 PM

May 2008
Lmao nah. I don't disable AdBlock for any site. My internet isn't fast enough for that (which is, y'know, probably a reason why lost of people use such things in the first place -- loading times are slower).

Also maybe don't use shitty memes in trying to get people to whitelist MAL. It makes the whole thing even more off-putting, especially when you can't even capitalise Senpai like it should be.

Kineta said:
The fact is that they have implemented many features that users have requested for years upon years. These changes—the seasonal anime page, the predictive and all-inclusive search, a notifications system with a variety of long-requested alerts, to name a few—are where extensive development time really goes.

Okay, but the search is completely useless. There's no way to organise/sort or narrow down results. When I search for titles with "The Animation" in them, I want to get titles with "The Animation" in them in alphabetical order but there is no way to do that. And no matter what you search for, you get 20 pages of complete nonsense. How is that any kind of improvement to what the search used to be like?
May 23, 2016 3:11 PM

Aug 2013
Praland said:

Mmhhh, yeah, remove those ones first.
Kineta said:
adding desperately needed features,

Like the 30 character limit or adding those extra buttons on the anime page that do the same thing that before without removing the old one or forcing people to change their profiles instead of leaving them to choice of using the old ones? Yeah, sure, we "needed" those changes.

There are somethings that many users asked and those gets ignored, instead we get stuff that "fix" unbroken things, now i must see a girl about to get raped in every single page of the forum and can't block it.

Good job MAL, good job.
Yea but it just looks so much sleeker. Ya know? The buttons are so rounded and cool now.

Plus why shouldn't we force people to write 30 character posts? I more often than not can't think of ways to concisely convey my thoughts on things, so why should the people with the capability to do so be allowed to?
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